A few weeks back at church, a lady had been attending every once in a while. Older lady, not worried about what people think, very straight-ford. She had continually been catching my attention, so I asked God what was up. I really felt like God was wanting me to go talk to this lady, but I had no idea why. So I walked up to her at the end of church and started a conversation. One of her very first sentences was along the lines of "God must of sent you to come talk to me." So after a while of talking and praying for each other we went our separate ways. This lady lives 42 miles from my church. My church is small, on a random small road that nobody knows how to pronounce right the first time, in a random elementary school. That lady came back yesterday. As I was cleaning she saw me and did the whole double glance thing and was very excited to see me. She said she had been praying for me a lot. We talked some more and told her about my plans. She told me that when I am ready to start raising support to give her a call because she wanted to support me financially, in which she gave me her card.
cool story^
prayer request: My car broke down, and I am driving my brothers car, it will last the next month and a half. But I need wisdom on what to do with my car. Fix it? Sell it? Sit there?
I bought my airplane ticket, leave september the 8th, have my visa, and currently have $2000 saved up. I need another $4500. I will hopefully be sending out my official support letter very soon.