Monday, November 22, 2010

I like this

A muslim asked me what my relationship with God is like. This is what I told him.

"Intimacy. He talks to me through his Word, the Bible. He talks through other people, he speaks into me by pictures, through nature and so on. I talk back with him. He shares his secrets with me. He shows me Love. Grace .Mercy. He is Holy, he is Righteous. He gives me a hug when I need it, and he delights in me. I delight in Him. I walk with him daily. Talking back and forth. He gives me a peace that is full, beyond all knowledge and understanding. He shows me how to love in a way that I can not do without Him. He is a holy God that desires to have a relationship with me."

I just really like that answer for some reason.
see ya in a week.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


I will be going there for the week. I had a great week off and then we had lectures for a week on Biblical World View. It was such a good week.

Week off was good. Learned a lot.

I have learned TONS about myself and the people around me. Learning to walk more in the fullness of who God created me to be, and its amazing. Life is amazing to say the VERY least.
This is something I have learned a lot about lately. My role as a son, friend, and brother in Christ in relation to girls.

I hear girls always mention the fairy tale stuff...and never understood. Now I do. Its pretty real.

I read this somewhere that the heart of a girl is the treasure of God's kingdom. To put it short...every girl deserves to be fully pursued. No half hearted stuff. BUT, to only pursue when you have the Holy Spirit's permission. If he does give it to you, pursue the girl with Him...not just yourself. Its an adventure. The girl deserves it sooooo so so so so much. They are so special, and so beautiful.

Thats just me rambling. I guess I could put more...but I will leave it there.

see ya in a week : )

Saturday, November 6, 2010


I have a week off.

I have 4-5 main things I am aiming to do.

1. Go through the Sozo Prayer teachings.
2. Read a few books.
3. Go through the Spiritual Leadership for Prayer teaching.
4. Hang out with 3-4 particular people.
5. Fill in the blank....
All to be done with Jesus.
Eat food.
Norwegian course.
It will be a good week.

The real question is, can I do it?

I will let you know.