thats what I am doing. I a sitting on the floor of my wonderful Scottish family waiting for my church to call me, my church that I love very much and miss very much. Great people....very authentic and connected group of people.
Scotland has been wonderful. I love it here, sometimes its a little slow since its the holidays and people are in the rush of things but it has been nice to have a break and go to a coffee shop and sit there and write and talk to God and the people around me. So nice.
I leave here in a couple of days to head to Norway for a thing called workers gathering. Its where all of the YWAM workers in Norway come together for a few days. Should be really good....and not to mention all of the snow there. and cold. lack of heat. haha. I make myself laugh. As I write this, I am watching Alice and Wonderland and I have to be honest, its not bad, and to be honest again, I have never seen the whole thing. Its a newer one by the looks of it.
So after Norway, I go to spain for a week for a thing called faith week with robert. We prayed to God about where to go and we felt God said Spain! So off we go on the 8th of January, quickly followed by my birthday on the 9th : )
Most of my 18th year was in Australia, and my 19th year was spend half and half in Norway, and my 20th birthday will be in spain. How nice....God is great and such a blessing.
Then....I go back to Norway to finish up the lectures there and then off to Berlin for 2 1/2 months.
God is teaching me lots of things, espcially about girls and relationships. How each girl deserves to be fully pursued, not some half hearted thing, so I am not in a place to do that, and won't be for a while. I don't want to cheat a girl out of that and I want to focus my efforts on that when the time is right.
Im done.
much love
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
soon to be Thanksgiving
The days are dark and 3:30, soon to be even earlier than that.
but thats okay. God is still good!
Its nice being here, I enjoy it. Not to much going on at the moment with all of the bad weather and short days. We have a more consistent schduele with a lot of great teaching.
God is doing lots of work in my life personally. Its cool. Its still in progress, and I will update later on that.
One cool recent revelation from God: When you Marry, you become one right? Flesh and spirit. When you become married, you want what best for your spouse right? Only the best. Nothing else with suffice. Well....when Christ died on the Cross, we inherited God's spirit, Christ married the Church. He lives in us now. Our body is His, his dwelling place.
Now....when it comes to sin....selfishness anything ungodly. God hates it. Very much.
The revelation with that in mind is: God does not like sin, because it is not what is best for you. It hurts you, it can damage you. Sometime even lead you to death. He cant stand to see you with nothing less than the best, its painful and causes sorrow. Would you want your spouse being hurt or drawn away from you? Never would I.
Is that not just amazing? God loves you so much. So flipping much. Christ is crazy about you. The Holy Spirit is inside of you.
God, thank you so much for your love. Your perfect love. Thank you for how you see each and every person's heart and are torn by the fact that that person doesnt have whats best for them.
see ya soon.
but thats okay. God is still good!
Its nice being here, I enjoy it. Not to much going on at the moment with all of the bad weather and short days. We have a more consistent schduele with a lot of great teaching.
God is doing lots of work in my life personally. Its cool. Its still in progress, and I will update later on that.
One cool recent revelation from God: When you Marry, you become one right? Flesh and spirit. When you become married, you want what best for your spouse right? Only the best. Nothing else with suffice. Well....when Christ died on the Cross, we inherited God's spirit, Christ married the Church. He lives in us now. Our body is His, his dwelling place.
Now....when it comes to sin....selfishness anything ungodly. God hates it. Very much.
The revelation with that in mind is: God does not like sin, because it is not what is best for you. It hurts you, it can damage you. Sometime even lead you to death. He cant stand to see you with nothing less than the best, its painful and causes sorrow. Would you want your spouse being hurt or drawn away from you? Never would I.
Is that not just amazing? God loves you so much. So flipping much. Christ is crazy about you. The Holy Spirit is inside of you.
God, thank you so much for your love. Your perfect love. Thank you for how you see each and every person's heart and are torn by the fact that that person doesnt have whats best for them.
see ya soon.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
It has been a while
So I have been all over the place doing many things. I will just sum it up....
After I got back.....another dts came to our base and we pretty much deicipled them. It was good fun. I got to teach everyday, from 30 mins to an hour. It was really good and everybody enjoyed it, not just me : )
They left, and so did we. We went to England where we did tons more evangelism with a whole bunch of other people. We led a lot of it and were able to really encourage people. We have some really cool testimonies. One guy that got to walk after he had not been able to walk for years or something. He was pretty shocked.
It was a crazy schedule but a great time. I was sick the first ffew days and I am still semi sick, getting better. I am tired though, which is part of the reason for not much detail right now.
Then we had a short two day week about discipleship. It was good, and followed by a 5 day weekend. I needed it. I went camping with a friend and it was nice to get away from everybody and just be in the still and quite of things. Oh yeah!
But personally, God is so good. I love the relationship I have with him and things he is doing inside of me. I can def feel his hands in me...moving things around and taking out the bad stuff. It hurts sometimes, but its good. I don't know what it is yet, but it will be big.
I wish everybody could believe in would change the world and get rid of all this selfishness that goes on.
After I got back.....another dts came to our base and we pretty much deicipled them. It was good fun. I got to teach everyday, from 30 mins to an hour. It was really good and everybody enjoyed it, not just me : )
They left, and so did we. We went to England where we did tons more evangelism with a whole bunch of other people. We led a lot of it and were able to really encourage people. We have some really cool testimonies. One guy that got to walk after he had not been able to walk for years or something. He was pretty shocked.
It was a crazy schedule but a great time. I was sick the first ffew days and I am still semi sick, getting better. I am tired though, which is part of the reason for not much detail right now.
Then we had a short two day week about discipleship. It was good, and followed by a 5 day weekend. I needed it. I went camping with a friend and it was nice to get away from everybody and just be in the still and quite of things. Oh yeah!
But personally, God is so good. I love the relationship I have with him and things he is doing inside of me. I can def feel his hands in me...moving things around and taking out the bad stuff. It hurts sometimes, but its good. I don't know what it is yet, but it will be big.
I wish everybody could believe in would change the world and get rid of all this selfishness that goes on.
Monday, October 5, 2009
I don't come up with clever titles
so here we go : )
I really want to make this page more personal, and less professional like. Its about what God is doing in my life personally and around me in Europe. Thats pretty laid back.
I want to share with you from last week a few stories:
I met a girl (my friends ex-fiance) who I had talked to well over a year ago on the internet and had been praying for during that time. It was crazy to meet the girl i had been praying for all of that time and had only talked to once or twice. It was such an encouragement to her and me.
I hurt my neck from sleeping wrong last week also, so I wore a scarf for the first time ever to help keep it warm. I really liked it and had to give it back later. I asked Jesus for a scarf and just thought I would buy one later when we got back into home town. That day, someone came up to me and told me they had really been wanting to buy me a scarf that day and asked me if I would like to go with them to buy me one. How awesome is that.
Each week, we are suppose to set goals for what we want to see done. Last week, I really wanted to see three people get healed. (Yes, obviously I believe Jesus is alive and heals today). I prayed for a few different people last week, and I saw six different people get healed. How awesome is that. Its still kinda new to me, buts its really cool to see someone flip out and be able to tell them that it was Jesus that healed them and tell them about Jesus and what He did.
My friend prayed for a girl who had crutches and her friend had a hurt foot also. The girl got healed and didn't need her crutches, and so did her friend with the hurt foot. They were both going hysterical. The first girl was like "I think I believe in Jesus now," and the other girl was saying "I think I have to become Christian now." (just another really awesome story)
I love God. He is so amazing, and so real, and just so full of love. Jesus is my dad, lover, provider, and just so much more. I love being so real and raw with Him and I love that He is the same way back with me. Constantly renewing me, filling me up, and showing me new things all of the time.
I really want to make this page more personal, and less professional like. Its about what God is doing in my life personally and around me in Europe. Thats pretty laid back.
I want to share with you from last week a few stories:
I met a girl (my friends ex-fiance) who I had talked to well over a year ago on the internet and had been praying for during that time. It was crazy to meet the girl i had been praying for all of that time and had only talked to once or twice. It was such an encouragement to her and me.
I hurt my neck from sleeping wrong last week also, so I wore a scarf for the first time ever to help keep it warm. I really liked it and had to give it back later. I asked Jesus for a scarf and just thought I would buy one later when we got back into home town. That day, someone came up to me and told me they had really been wanting to buy me a scarf that day and asked me if I would like to go with them to buy me one. How awesome is that.
Each week, we are suppose to set goals for what we want to see done. Last week, I really wanted to see three people get healed. (Yes, obviously I believe Jesus is alive and heals today). I prayed for a few different people last week, and I saw six different people get healed. How awesome is that. Its still kinda new to me, buts its really cool to see someone flip out and be able to tell them that it was Jesus that healed them and tell them about Jesus and what He did.
My friend prayed for a girl who had crutches and her friend had a hurt foot also. The girl got healed and didn't need her crutches, and so did her friend with the hurt foot. They were both going hysterical. The first girl was like "I think I believe in Jesus now," and the other girl was saying "I think I have to become Christian now." (just another really awesome story)
I love God. He is so amazing, and so real, and just so full of love. Jesus is my dad, lover, provider, and just so much more. I love being so real and raw with Him and I love that He is the same way back with me. Constantly renewing me, filling me up, and showing me new things all of the time.
Friday, September 25, 2009
I thought I would

give you a solid update now. I leave soon (I will get to this), and I am more aware of the schedule and what is going on around me and what it consist of.
Since I have been here, in this short amount of time, lots of great things have happened. Weather it be salvations (2), healings (17), or just building new friendships around the community (tons). God is doing great work in this city. I am looking forward to what is going to happen in the coming time.
While I am here, I have lectures everyday from 8:30am-2:30 pm, after that we have different things going on depending on the day and your involvement in the community. For example yesterday we went and did a thing called treasure hunting, which is such a cool testimony. You pray to God to show you a person aka treasure, with details like: name, appearance, place, needs, or anything unusual. Lots of really cool stuff has happened.
In the next few weeks I will give you more updates on what is going on here, and with details about who I will be working with and for what purposes and so on.
On Monday morning though, I will heading off to Oslo with the whole base here for an event called Nations to Nations. There will be some teachings there and then me and the people I am with will lead about 150-200 people in Evangelism in the city of Norway for a week. Then come back and have a "team week" where we will do more evangelism and ministry in the town of Skein and the University of Telemark. The week after that we go to England and have some more lectures and then we will lead another huge group of students in evangelism in london. It will be crazy the next few weeks.
Things here are great and such a challenge, exactly what I expect. Oh! I found out today that my outreach (February-April) will be in Berlin, Germany. I will give more details about that later!
Thanks so much for your prayers and support. Holy cow, thanks.
Keep praying though for great revelation for non christians and christians alike here and that God will use me and grow me while I am here. : )
Thank you so much.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Well....Norway is beautiful. Very very very beautiful. I guess its the whole feeling of being in a totally new environment.....with new food too.
Sorry about the delay though, I wanted to wait so I could give you a more solid update instead of many smaller ones. I don't want to be your spam.
This weekend we went on a get to know you trip to a log cabin. There are nine of us. I am the youngest and I am the only american. It was great getting to know everybody. My roomates are three other guys: Craig from England who is 28, Robert from Holland who is 22, and then T-Bear (I don't know how to pronouce or say his real name) who is 21 I think from Norway. Interesting mix. Then you have the girls, who are all from Norway. Also one older guy here who is 38, Kenneth.
I have all the funds I need, God is great, and with no doubt He would provide for me. He def did.
I still need your prayers though, this is going to be the most challenging time in my life so far with no doubt about it. We went over the schudele for the next nine months and holy cow. I don't know where to begin, but this is the place where I am suppose to be right now and its the right thing. No doubt. All I know is I need to wake up, obey God, and everything will be okay. Thats easier said than done at times though.
I will update agian a little bit later!
Sorry about the delay though, I wanted to wait so I could give you a more solid update instead of many smaller ones. I don't want to be your spam.
This weekend we went on a get to know you trip to a log cabin. There are nine of us. I am the youngest and I am the only american. It was great getting to know everybody. My roomates are three other guys: Craig from England who is 28, Robert from Holland who is 22, and then T-Bear (I don't know how to pronouce or say his real name) who is 21 I think from Norway. Interesting mix. Then you have the girls, who are all from Norway. Also one older guy here who is 38, Kenneth.
I have all the funds I need, God is great, and with no doubt He would provide for me. He def did.
I still need your prayers though, this is going to be the most challenging time in my life so far with no doubt about it. We went over the schudele for the next nine months and holy cow. I don't know where to begin, but this is the place where I am suppose to be right now and its the right thing. No doubt. All I know is I need to wake up, obey God, and everything will be okay. Thats easier said than done at times though.
I will update agian a little bit later!
Friday, August 21, 2009
So time is coming near to leave, and I am very excited about it. Excited about so many things that are coming: new culture, new friends, new language, new food, new time (lol), new weather, new adventures. There is something else though: the work God is going to do in my own life and others around me. I really feel like God is going to do so much in my life in this next season coming up. It won't be easy, but it is going to be so worth it. Taking me to a whole new level with God. Stripping me of myself, but enjoying myself and God. Breaking me down, but building me up in Christ. Blotting out sin, and replacing it with God. A whole new level of dependency on God. I am so excited. God is taking care of me. There are no worries, nothing to be anxious about. God (that same God is the God of the universe, creator) said go.....He isn't just going to send me out and not be there.
At the same time, I still need your prayers:
That support does come in, all of the money I need.
That I am walking in humility and that God is working in my life
That I am God's tool, and that He uses me day in and out
This is kinda of an early prayer request, but for God's direction. I felt like the right thing to do was to buy a one way ticket. To be flexible and ready for what God has to say. Also with the way things are looking at home (packing up my room because my mom is moving), just really emphasizes this is a new season in my life.
I have lived out of a bag almost my whole life. Switching houses, for 9 years every three days, with one set of clothes between two houses and then the last 3 years switching every friday. Sounds kinda depressing? Nah. I can see how God has used that in my life because it is so easy for me to get up and go, to be ready, and to live out of a bag and be happy while doing it. Ready to be used by God at any time and any where. Does not seem like to many people are like that.
I want to be God's tool. Ready and willing for wherever He wants to take me, wether to the other side of the planet or right down the street.
This was kinda long. Good night!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
If you can see this website!
Please send me your email address. I would love to stay in contact with you while I am gone. Sending updates out and get updates as well : )
email me at:
Monday, July 20, 2009
Cool Story, New Prayer Request
A few weeks back at church, a lady had been attending every once in a while. Older lady, not worried about what people think, very straight-ford. She had continually been catching my attention, so I asked God what was up. I really felt like God was wanting me to go talk to this lady, but I had no idea why. So I walked up to her at the end of church and started a conversation. One of her very first sentences was along the lines of "God must of sent you to come talk to me." So after a while of talking and praying for each other we went our separate ways. This lady lives 42 miles from my church. My church is small, on a random small road that nobody knows how to pronounce right the first time, in a random elementary school. That lady came back yesterday. As I was cleaning she saw me and did the whole double glance thing and was very excited to see me. She said she had been praying for me a lot. We talked some more and told her about my plans. She told me that when I am ready to start raising support to give her a call because she wanted to support me financially, in which she gave me her card.
cool story^
prayer request: My car broke down, and I am driving my brothers car, it will last the next month and a half. But I need wisdom on what to do with my car. Fix it? Sell it? Sit there?
I bought my airplane ticket, leave september the 8th, have my visa, and currently have $2000 saved up. I need another $4500. I will hopefully be sending out my official support letter very soon.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Hey Guys
This will be my official blog and page where I will put my updates on what God is doing in my life and in HIS Kingdom.
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