Tuesday, November 24, 2009

soon to be Thanksgiving

The days are dark and rainy....at 3:30, soon to be even earlier than that.

but thats okay. God is still good!

Its nice being here, I enjoy it. Not to much going on at the moment with all of the bad weather and short days. We have a more consistent schduele with a lot of great teaching.

God is doing lots of work in my life personally. Its cool. Its still in progress, and I will update later on that.

One cool recent revelation from God: When you Marry, you become one right? Flesh and spirit. When you become married, you want what best for your spouse right? Only the best. Nothing else with suffice. Well....when Christ died on the Cross, we inherited God's spirit, Christ married the Church. He lives in us now. Our body is His, his dwelling place.
Now....when it comes to sin....selfishness anything ungodly. God hates it. Very much.
The revelation with that in mind is: God does not like sin, because it is not what is best for you. It hurts you, it can damage you. Sometime even lead you to death. He cant stand to see you with nothing less than the best, its painful and causes sorrow. Would you want your spouse being hurt or drawn away from you? Never would I.
Is that not just amazing? God loves you so much. So flipping much. Christ is crazy about you. The Holy Spirit is inside of you.

God, thank you so much for your love. Your perfect love. Thank you for how you see each and every person's heart and are torn by the fact that that person doesnt have whats best for them.

see ya soon.

1 comment:

  1. The last half of your post reminded me.. I read the Crazy Love book. It was awesome and I have already passed it on to a friend to read=)
