Thursday, August 30, 2012

He hath spoketh unto me.

A guy named Kris Edler came to our base back in January (I think.) That was a fiery time. Well, God spoke to me then through Kris. He came to me in worship with the word: you are Christ's beloved, just like John. He is holding you close to his chest. I wept some.

This summer a group of people were praying for me. The word: you are just like John, Christ's beloved, and he is holding you close. Heart pierced again...wept some more.

This summer God told me to go read "Wild at Heart," so, I went to my room that day and read the whole book. He spoke to me about being his beloved son. Some more tears...the whole time while reading that book.

This summer the Father showed me that when he tore the heavens open and sent his Spirit upon Jesus speaking, "This is my son, whom I am well pleased," that is exactly what he says to me.

He showed me another book by John Eldredge, can't find the name. The part about being his beloved son ministered to my heart so deeply.I felt so connected to the Father.

Last week an elderly man named Alf prayed for me. I was knelling beside him while he sat in a chair so he pulled my head down by his chest (in a very natural way...) and held me, speaking out "Oh, my beloved son." Okay, I'll admit it: I cried some more.
I am a son. A son with a mighty Father.
I am a son. A son whose Father is awe inspiring, chill bump raising.
I am a son. A son whose Father is Good. 
I am a son. A son whose Father is strong, but gentle.
I am a son. I am a beloved son.
I am a son, because he is a Father.

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