Sunday, February 28, 2010

There is no doubt you love me Jesus. and that you will take care of me.
your really great.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

My weekend.

I started to write this blog....and I noticed there is something I do not know how to do.

I am wanting to write about what I am learning with God. When I start writing it though, I use "Him & He" and so feels really weird. How do I say this?

By grace....I am washed clean. Loved for who I am. I am small compared to Him and His Love for me. But as I write this, "He" is here. My One, my lover, my friend, my Transcendent God.

I am learning to walk with Him....continuously in my prayers, all day....trying to do all things out of Love for him, constantly in His presence. So that is the problem. I write about what I am learning about God. In this perspective as if He is not sitting right beside me, talking with me, loving on me, enjoying me, washing me head to toe in His grace.

He is showing me all of these things. I am tempted to change my blog to "Our Adventures," not just mine. I am doing this with Him, now, being loved and deeply rooted in my soul with joy because of Him.

This is where me, Jesus, Holy Spirit, and the Father are at. He is showing me lots of things, and I am trying to learn and take it in. He is patient....I am in a rush and stubborn. He is gentle, and I am prideful and competitive. He shows me humility and I roll my eyes. He shows me His creation and I ignore it because I am to busy. He shows me something He finds wonderful and I don't even notice it.

How I can't wait to go deeper with you God. To know your secrets. To see your beauty and not to rush through things. I need your help God, I can not do this on my own. I need your grace to strengthen me and push me forward. I am willing and surrendered to you. Thank you for this crazy love.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Oh what Love!!!

How Wonderful is He!

How can I contain this love!

This Beauty! Its so amazing. He is so so so so (sooooooooooooooo) great.


I said in my email that I would keep this for more personal stuff. I am going to try and keep it more about what I am learning. Sweet.

I am really not in the mood to do this, so it prob. is not going to flow as much as it could...if at all.

GRACE. How amazing? How beautiful? I don't need to have fear. I am loved for who I am....not what I do. Its amazing. God will always love me for who I am not matter what. I make mistakes....I do bad things....Im self centered lots of times.....most of the time. But. God loves me. For that....I can love other people and show them grace to. That is pretty amazing. Its a life changing grace. Its really a life changing much. It does not make sense.

Communication between me and Robert. Sometimes its hard because of culture differences and english is his second language. So I am learning a lot about that. Its like I am practically married. Ha.

Just going for it. Go for it. It doesn't matter. If it doesn't work....oh well. Thats okay. Go for it. Go BIG. Do something crazy and fun.

Hope? Our generation has lost that. Hope in Heaven. Hope in His return. I love it. I really want to hope for heaven.

Wonder. I want it. Wonder for the Creation of God. To see the small things.

Beauty. To be suprised by it. I love that to.

Being filled with his Joy. Putting a smile on my face and laughter in my mouth and heart. To be happy.

That Christ is in my eyes. To love. Oh this love. How beautiful. How full. The love that makes me dance. Yes...I am starting to get interested in dancing. Hip hopish I guess. Its fun. Specially in worship. Very suddle. He makes my heart dance and smile : )

I dont need to look to people. Only God. Its freeing. Easier said than done.

Thats it for now. Oh. Memorzing scripture. Its amazing. Its my way of worship and Bible study. I almost have Ephesians memorized, and then I want phillipians.

This is long. Bye bye!
In Him