Thursday, April 22, 2010

Whole carrot

I stole my friends title. I liked it, but it prob has some meaning I dont know about.

This is the best way to sum up my time in Berlin. It was just said to me on Facebook.

"Love is the greatest of them all" (From the verse in 1 Cor 13, last one).

God has taught me how to love during this time, and how to be loved. (I am not perfect at it, and will learn this for the rest of my life.) To love without expectations, when I do not want to, and because I was first loved. To love because of this Love. This Grace.

To know I am loved by God. That when I mess up or do really good, it doesn't change a single thing. I am loved.

Jesus, show me more of this love. How sweet is your gospel.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

I was convinced....

Disclaimer: This blog has many purposes....I find it fun to write. So many random things in this. My mind goes all over the place. Good place for it I guess.

Robert took me out and I bought some cologne. I have always been a man of neutral smell....not bad, not good....just not there. That changed. I now smell. Smell good that is. It took a lot of convincing on his part and some others. So now I know....if you ever need to get a birthday present, christmas presnt, or just a present....I have learned cologne is good (in europe and with me).
Europe is so different than America. In lots of different ways: they recycle more, better public transportation, and men sit down to pee. Just little differences, but still can make an impact in day to day life.
This is my last week in Berlin. It is bitter sweet. The youth group threw a party for us. They are glad we are leaving. Ha. Then they prayed for us before we left. After they prayed for us a girl walked up to me and had an impression from God to me, "God is a God of wonders." Which for me is perfect. I think its wonderful how the smallest little things can mean so much to someone. I have been praying a lot lately that I want to be in wonder of who God is. To be in wonder of his character, realtionship with me, and his creation. To see wonderous things happen around me. He is doing that for sure.
I read from something not to far back when an old man was on his death bed. He said all he ever asked for was to be in Wonder of God. For God to show him wonderful things. He didnt want wisdom, knowledge or anything else. One of the last things he said was God showed him every day his wonderful things and works. That life was beautiful for him....
God is showing me things.
God is so good. So wonderful. So loving.
I cant help but have joy in my heart, laughter in my mouth, and a smile on my lips while knowing this love of God.
Since I have been in Berlin. I have changed a lot. I feel God's presence so much more through the day. Being able to talk to him more and know he is there more. He shows me more about the gospel and its beautiful. He shows me this divine love. More, more, more.
My faith is in Jesus. He has changed me so much. Its such a testimony. Oh how I can never turn back. I can never be the same!

Lord, my heart BURNS for you. I will never be the same again.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


I go through seasons of writing and not writing. I will write everyday for a couple of weeks and then suddenly not write again.

Yesterday was a good day. I woke up, went to do a prayer shift for 24/7. On the way to the prayer shift me and Robert were joking around about how the people on this tram are secret agents and navy seals. Pointing at people and saying who has what weapon or bomb and what was going to happen. We then get off the tram and suddenly four or five police cars come screaming over to our tram. Some police rush out and run into the tram and they end up finding nothing. They then proceeded over to another tram from the other direction and which was another lose. Sometimes life can be ironic.
We then ate lunch at this old American ladies house. She was 72, her husband died in 2008. She was extremely sweet and I loved hearing her stories. I have learned that I learn best from stories, I enjoy hearing them, and telling them myself (not that I am to good of a story teller). I think it was really good for her though for us to be there. I think she really needed someone to talk to,would listen to her, and for her to process things. She made us green beans, carrots, lasanga, chicken steak, and rolls. Then followed up with some pudding....which was prob the best I have ever had. (She said it would be the best I ever had to before I even tried it).
We go over to the YWAM base and get some things done. When we are leaving, I asked Robet if it was 4:41, he said yes. It was really I showed up to church two hours early. So when the church service started, I left and got onto the tram.
A little bit later the tram slams on its brakes and all of a sudden the corner of a bus comes tearing into the right side. It all happened in slow motion with the glass breaking and dust flying and people coming out of there seats because of the impact. It was pretty cool, but interesting at the same time. I was quite suprised with myself actually though. I did not get scared at all, and my first instinct was to help the people around me. Perfect love cast out all fear? Some people were really shaken by the bus coming through the window. I am very lucky though I did not sit the seat beside me because then I would have had the bus right on me and the glass coming down.
But I have to go....Ill finish later.
I finished the day by walking home in shorts in the cold rainy weather. But thats okay. I have breath. Ha.
Then when I got home watched the passion of christ....that makes me laugh.
Much love

Thursday, April 1, 2010

a new year

started on....lets just say....march 23rd.

I really like this:
Eph 5: 25-27
Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her 26to make her holy, cleansing[b] her by the washing with water through the word, 27and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.

My new year:
Christ loved Jeremy, and gave himself up for him to make him holy, cleansing him by the washing with water through the word, and to present him to himself as a radiant Jeremy, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.

This will be a year of learning about this Divine Romance. It will be good. Amazing. It already has been. But as the same time hard.