Saturday, April 17, 2010

I was convinced....

Disclaimer: This blog has many purposes....I find it fun to write. So many random things in this. My mind goes all over the place. Good place for it I guess.

Robert took me out and I bought some cologne. I have always been a man of neutral smell....not bad, not good....just not there. That changed. I now smell. Smell good that is. It took a lot of convincing on his part and some others. So now I know....if you ever need to get a birthday present, christmas presnt, or just a present....I have learned cologne is good (in europe and with me).
Europe is so different than America. In lots of different ways: they recycle more, better public transportation, and men sit down to pee. Just little differences, but still can make an impact in day to day life.
This is my last week in Berlin. It is bitter sweet. The youth group threw a party for us. They are glad we are leaving. Ha. Then they prayed for us before we left. After they prayed for us a girl walked up to me and had an impression from God to me, "God is a God of wonders." Which for me is perfect. I think its wonderful how the smallest little things can mean so much to someone. I have been praying a lot lately that I want to be in wonder of who God is. To be in wonder of his character, realtionship with me, and his creation. To see wonderous things happen around me. He is doing that for sure.
I read from something not to far back when an old man was on his death bed. He said all he ever asked for was to be in Wonder of God. For God to show him wonderful things. He didnt want wisdom, knowledge or anything else. One of the last things he said was God showed him every day his wonderful things and works. That life was beautiful for him....
God is showing me things.
God is so good. So wonderful. So loving.
I cant help but have joy in my heart, laughter in my mouth, and a smile on my lips while knowing this love of God.
Since I have been in Berlin. I have changed a lot. I feel God's presence so much more through the day. Being able to talk to him more and know he is there more. He shows me more about the gospel and its beautiful. He shows me this divine love. More, more, more.
My faith is in Jesus. He has changed me so much. Its such a testimony. Oh how I can never turn back. I can never be the same!

Lord, my heart BURNS for you. I will never be the same again.


  1. right...we are glad you are leaving! man, how can you write something like that?'s one of your jokes ;-) maybe you are one of my favourite american friends, i don't have many... :)

  2. Wonderful :) delightful and made me giggle.
    I love watching you grow little brother :)
    Love you
