Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Presence of God

I work at a restaurant on the weekends. When I work I wait for specific moments where I feel the Lord is giving me grace to minister. Two weeks ago I had that moment. I felt a grace to be able to ask my manager questions about her life and she began to share what was on her heart in relation to God and pain. I told her everyone has to make a choice with how they handle pain: to either blame God or go to God. I asked her if she wanted to experience God's presence because she said she had felt it before through experiencing His warmth and love. She quickly replied ,"No" because she was starting to feel that warmth again while speaking to me. Her eyes were tearing up and you could see she felt really loved. It was great to see someone feel God's presence while talking to me, I didn't even have to do anything. Since then, I have gotten to love on her more through hugs and encouragement.