Sunday, February 27, 2011


Oh man.
I wish I could show you emotions on this. I wish I could show you feelings on this.

I wish I could communicate to you in a clear way, a way that gives you a picture. To describe the emotions, feelings, and passions that I have.

Sounds like love doesn't it?

You are so good to me, God.

Kim Walker says she doesn't want to talk about Him like he is not in the room. I love knowing He is in the same room as me. Around me and in me.

I hope and pray you are experiencing the goodness and grace of God.

1 comment:

  1. I was just reading in 2nd Samuel 7 where David is sending up a prayer of gratitutde to God. I really connected with it :)God is good all the time, and the it is so wonderful to be overwhelmed by that goodness everyday! This last week I've made that my goal because previously I've been a little down and stressed out with all the work I have to get down. So...He is always willing to amaze :D I just have to keep my eyes open!
